PinnedRun Docker inside Dockerised Jenkins in 3 easy stepsI recently got started with Docker and within my first week of learning, I came across this very debatable topic of running docker within…Apr 16, 20211Apr 16, 20211
How Bitcoin transaction works in BlockchainLets say Nicole and Christine wants to have a transaction based on Bitcoin.Feb 25, 2019Feb 25, 2019
Why Blockchain is taking the traditional payments industry by stormA short comparison between Blockchain and Traditional Payment SystemFeb 24, 2019Feb 24, 2019
Why Glide is better than PicassoWell, when it comes to android and image loading, picasso has been the most dominating player of all time. Along with picasso, Glide also…Jun 16, 20183Jun 16, 20183
The Android Studio shortcuts which could boost your productivity up to 100%So let me be very straight to the point. You didn’t end up here just to read my life story. Let’s get started.Jan 27, 20182Jan 27, 20182
Appearing for Associate Android Developer Certification by Google 28, 201712Jul 28, 201712